Sunday 23 December 2012

[3xBreakthroughs] How these amazing products have affected my life

How these amazing products have affected my life

First Health Breakthrough - Natural Back Pain recovery without surgery or pills

The first health breakthrough i had started using the active for a back problem i had because of over doing it with a dance workout dvd i had hurt the bottom of my spine. The small bones at the bottom of my spine had been bruised and i started drinking the active.

I know that this had an anti inflamintary in it and knowing that it would do me good and that it would help with my back. Well, after two weeks of drinking the active i realized i had no back pain. I could jump out of bed rather then roll out of bed in pain because it was painful. I now have no pain in my legs and i could actually go and do shopping without fear of pain which was absolutely wonderful. Before this health breakthrough happend i used to go out with my daughter shopping most weekends and that had to stop because i couldnt walk very far without being in pain and having to sit down. Now i am able to go shopping, go about my bussiness all without having to worry. I used to worry that i was going to get back pain and have to go home. You just have no idea what that is like until you have gone through it.

Second Health Breakthrough - managing my weight without dieting.
The second health breakthrough i had was with my weight. The RVL came out in March 2012 in the UK. I have tried most diets and like most people they work for a while but you get fed up and bored. I got the hunger feelings and the cravings for foods i knew i wasnt allowed.  

Well i knew RVL worked as i have seen the results my friends were getting and i knew i just had to try this and really wanted the same results for myself. I was excited about this as i knew that the way i was eating wasnt healthy at all. Especially in the evenings when i would be in front of the tv and i would eat foods that i shouldnt. So, I started RVL. My friend took a before pic and a halfway pic which i will post on my blog soon. 

The relults i got were amazing. My friends couldnt belive how much weight i was losing even my son who is 21 had friends asking him: was my weight loss through a health issue or was i trying to lose weight? He told them i was trying to lose weight. I now feel absolutely amazing and i can fit into clothes i hadnt been able to fit into. In fact some of the clothes i can now wear are clothes i brought brand new and i havent worn,  but now i can.

It has brought my confidance back big time and now when i shop for clothes rather then thinking that looks awful because of my weight i now think that looks nice. I have lost 3 stone i have gone from a size 18 to a size 14 and i will be losing more and the most amazing thing about this weight loss system is that I never get hungry and i never cravings.

That is half the battle won with weight loss as far as im concerned - hunger and cravings.  I will be talking more about RVL in more detail in another blog so if your interested contact me and you have brilliant results with it to.

My third health breakthrough- thyroid condition naturally eliminated
I had an under active throyid condition for about 2 years and when i got that i was told i would be on medication forever and that weight loss would be very slow. Well i saw my doctor and she said she wanted me to have blood tests as she had discovered that I hadn't been taking my medication (wasn't needing to collect my prescription) and she was worried as to what effect this would have on me. She said i should be taking it, but i wasn't feeling ill like i did when i first was dignoised with this. As the doctor said that the condition could have got worse so i had the blood tests and i went back to get the results. It turned out that all my blood tests were normal apart from slightly high colestrol, but it wasnt that high that she was wanting to give me medication. I think before i was on the RVL my colestrol would of been much higher because of my poor diet
So now i have no thyroid condiction which is absolutley fantastic.

I know that all of the results i have had are becasue i am drinking these wonderful products and the blessing of the almighty above i also know that these products are made up of fruits and vegetables  so i am getting my daily intake of fruit and vegetables which is difficult for most of us so just drinking two shots of this fantastic juice gives you extactly that and another good thing about these products are that if you have children that don't like fruit or vegetables then its a great way to get some inside them because the juice just tastes fantastic.

To find out more about MonaVie Products, please contact MonaVie via the following link.

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