Monday 25 February 2013

The video that caused a surge in customers and business associates

For those who like sports

Many sports professionals love our products and here is a video of some of them.

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My Afternoon spent training with an millionaire

On Saturday I had an training with many others with an millionaire he is known in the business as a blue diamond he travels worldwide for Monaive and trains people in Europe so we have the knowledge and know how on how to present the business and help others it was our turn to have him train us it was very interesting he was telling us how he came to know the business and the success that he is making  so many people like him are just every day people like you and me he likes to go round and train people and help them.

Later on in the training we had various people talk about their sucssess one lady was talking about the weight loss product we do and how it has changed her life because of all the weight she has lost I just love to hear these stories because it proves that these fantastic products work on another blog I will go into more detail about this as I have had a product story to do with the weight loss programme myself and pictures to prove it.

Also in the training we were told about things that are going to happen the things this company do for its distubutors the fun things they do its not just plain old business 24 hours a day its fun to they were telling us about trips the company will give us at certain ranks its absolutely amazing what they do I am looking forward to the convention we have in Lisbon it should be fun as well as learning so if you want to know more and take a peak then just ask me.

Here are some pictures of the Day

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Thursday 14 February 2013

A day of training and a night out with a millionaire and friends.

A day of training and a night out with an millionaire and friends

On Sunday the 10th Feburary I went to a training for my business like i do many times, but with a differience. A millionaire was doing the training from Portugal. For us he was giving us business ideas and showing us how to do the business. I do love it when the millionaires do the training as you see it from their prospective and 
how they came from being an every day normal person like you and me to the successful person they are today. You can see this business as something that any person who is willing to do what it takes can do. Just like many of us are doing.

So after the training some of us who were able went for a meal with him and got more training. So they are normal people but successful people. This is why i love this bussiness as they want to see us succeed to and will help us any way they can for this to happen.

We had an very enjoyable evening as we had good food we made new friends and learnt more so above are just some photos of the training and some friends and the evening. 

To find out how I started my business and join Team Of Amazing People, click the red button on the right hand side of this blog.